Watergarden Paradise

Aquatic Nursery


Attractive plants with nasturtium-like leaves ranging from small to large in size. Often regarded as an edible aquatic. However, we do not guarantee the taste of the ornamental cultivars as they are usually bred for the flowers, not for the taste. Some varieties will require more space to grow and are excellent for planting in stand alone pots or containers (without holes) of at least 300mm diameter (for larger varieties) and 200m diameter for the smaller and bowl lotus varieties. The large species and varieties are also excellent for dam plantings. The beautiful flowers are delicate and petals can come off easily, especially if planted in areas subjected to strong winds. Planting medium would be similar as for waterlilies but lotus plants would require at least 6 hours or more direct sunlight during summer to flower well. Sold in the form of tuber divisions. The growing tip of these tubers is very brittle and will not grow once damaged. Available for pre-order from June for dispatch between late August to mid-October. Unfortunately, the tubers cannot be divided at other times of the year due to their growth cycle.

Planting instructions is available for download here. Don't forget to include fertiliser tablets in your plantings.

All plants are supplied in BARE-ROOTED form (i.e., unpotted and free from soil media).

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Nelumbo 'Alba Plena' (Shiroman Lotus)
Nelumbo 'Alba Plena' (Shiroman Lotus)

Nelumbo 'Alba Plena' (Shiroman Lotus)
Very attractive and tall growing lotus with creamy white to white flowers with of least over 100 petals. Large deep green leaves. This plant is free flowering and very likely to flower in the first season if given enough warmth. It is also slower to propagate than other varieties. Very Limited Stock.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams

Currently Not Available

Nelumbo 'Angel Wings'

Nelumbo 'Angel Wings' (Semi-Dwarf White Lotus)
(Slocum, 1984) First released by our nursery in Australia over two decades ago. This is one of our favourites and the most beautiful semi-dwarf growing lotus varieties we've imported into Australia. Glistening white petals with incurving edges and narrow pointy tips. Wavy green leaves with deep leaf centre. It is very free flowering and most often flower in the first season if given enough warmth. An import from Perry's Water Gardens (USA). Highly recommended for small ponds or tubs. Not for Tas.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Small growing - Suitable for small size water gardens or tub style water features  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams

Currently Not Available

Nelumbo 'Carolina Queen'
Nelumbo 'Carolina Queen'

Nelumbo 'Carolina Queen' (Pink and Yellow Lotus)
(Slocum, 1984) NEW! Beautiful and elegant large pink flowers with rounded petals and creamy yellow base. Large green leaves. Part of our lotus collection for many years. One of our imports from Perry's Water Gardens (USA). Excellent for dam plantings. Rare. Not for Tas.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams

Currently Not Available

Nelumbo 'Debbie Gibson'

Nelumbo 'Debbie Gibson' (Lemon Yellow Lotus)
(Slocum, 1988) Large and magnificent lemon yellow flowers bearing on tall stems above the leaves. Leaves are dark green. Slower to propagate than other varieties. Limited stock. It is very free flowering and most often flower in the first season if given enough warmth. Highly recommended for both medium or large ponds, lotus tubs or mass plantings in dams. Very limited stock. Not for Tas.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams

Currently Not Available

Nelumbo 'Garth Miles Mitchell'

Nelumbo 'Garth Miles Mitchell' (Semi-Dwarf Double White Lotus)
Semi-dwarf double white lotus. The flowers somewhat resembles those of a double camellia. Mid-green leaves. Limited Supply. Not for Tas.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams

Not Available in 2024

Nelumbo 'Giant Sunburst'
Nelumbo 'Giant Sunburst'

Nelumbo 'Giant Sunburst' (Double Yellow Lotus)
Large beautiful globular creamy yellow flowers with many petals. Bluish-green leaves. A seedling cross from the variety Nelumbo 'Perry's Giant Sunburst'. Rare. Very limited stock.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams

Currently Not Available

Nelumbo 'Little White Dragon' (Xiao Bai Long)
Nelumbo 'Little White Dragon' (Xiao Bai Long) - Day 1 flower

Nelumbo 'Little White Dragon' / 'Xiao Bai Long' (Double White Dwarf Lotus)
Nelumbo 'Little White Dragon'
NEW! A very beautiful dwarf or bowl lotus with small double white flowers with green tips near the centre. The flowers are small but can span to approximately 10cms across under optimum growth conditions. The strong green leaves can reach up to 20cms in diameter. It is a very versatile variety that would adapt to small or large containers. Very free blooming and is excellent for the smaller pond where space is limited. Highly recommended.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Small growing - Suitable for small size water gardens or tub style water features  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens

Not Available in 2024

Nelumbo 'Momo Botan'

Nelumbo 'Momo Botan' (Dwarf Double Pink Lotus)
A dwarf variety that is very easy for the beginner or the smaller pond. Gorgeous globe-like rich pink flowers with many petals. Bright green leaves. It is extremely free flowering and usually flowers in abundance during the first season if given enough warmth. An excellent variety for the smaller garden where space is limited. Highly recommended for small ponds or tubs. Not for Tas.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Small growing - Suitable for small size water gardens or tub style water features  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams

Currently Not Available

Nelumbo 'Mrs. Perry D. Slocum'
Nelumbo 'Mrs. Perry D. Slocum'

Nelumbo 'Mrs. Perry D. Slocum' (Changeable Lotus)
(Slocum, 1964) Very attractive flowers with many petals. Flowers open rosy pink and then fading into creamy yellow with age. Large green leaves. This plant is free flowering and very likely to flower in the first season if given enough warmth. A very popular variety. Very limited stock. Not for Tas.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams

Currently Not Available

Nelumbo 'Rosea Plena'

Nelumbo 'Rosea Plena' (Double Pink Lotus)
Beautiful rich rose flowers with many petals. Large mid green leaves. A large grower that can also adapt to tub water features. This plant is free flowering and very likely to flower in the first season. Very limited stock. Not for Tas.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams

Currently Not Available

Nelumbo 'Rosea'

Nelumbo 'Rosea' (Pink Lotus)
Very elegant single rich rose flowers that opens to a wide cup shape. Large medium green leaves. A large grower that can also adapt to tub water features. This plant is free flowering once established. Excellent for dam plantings. Very limited stock. Not for Tas.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams

Currently Not Available

Nelumbo 'The Queen'
Nelumbo 'The Queen'

Nelumbo 'The Queen' (White Lotus)
(Slocum, 1984) NEW! Very beautiful and elegant large creamy white to white single flowers. Large green leaves. This plant has been in our collection for many years. We've finally managed to get around to propagating them. One of our imports from Perry's Water Gardens (USA). Excellent for dam plantings. Very limited stock. Rare. Not for Tas.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams

Currently Not Available

Nelumbo lutea (Cultivated form)

Nelumbo lutea (Cultivated form) (American Lotus)
This is the cultivated form of the species lotus from Northern America. Tolerates much cooler temperatures than the other lotus plants that we grow. Beautiful single yellow flowers. Large dark green leaves. This plant is free flowering once established. Excellent for dam plantings.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams

Sold out for 2024

Nelumbo lutea (Cultivated form)

Nelumbo lutea (Wild collected form) (American Lotus)
We grow two forms of Nelumbo lutea. This is the rare wild collected form of the species lotus from Northern America. Tolerates much cooler temperatures than the other lotus plants that we grow. Beautiful single yellow flowers. Large dark green leaves. This plant is free flowering once established. Excellent for dam plantings. VERY RARE.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams

Not Available in 2024

Nelumbo nucifera (Tropical Lotus)
Nelumbo nucifera (Tropical Lotus)
Nelumbo nucifera (Tropical Lotus)

Nelumbo nucifera (Tropical Lotus Species)
NEW! The beautiful tropical form of the species plant (Nelumbo nucifera). This particular form does not set "banana-like" tubers and can only be propagated by runners. It took us a while to test for cold tolerance. So far, it can handle the low winter temperatures in Sydney (with light frosts). It is somewhat quite free blooming, even in smaller containers. Not the same form as the one native to northern Australia. Excellent for dam plantings. VERY RARE.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams

Not Available in 2024

Nelumbo nucifera 'Oga'
Nelumbo nucifera 'Oga'

Nelumbo nucifera 'Oga' (Oga's Lotus/Oga-hasu/Kemigawa Lotus)
(Ichiro Oga, c.1951) NEW! From Japan comes this beautiful form of the Nelumbo nucifera species plant. Majestic rose pink flowers are heavily veined with deeper pink and has darker pink petal tips. It is the descendant from the one seed of the species collected by Dr Ichiro Oga. This seed was estimated to be 2000 years or more in age. It has been in our collection for a long time and we are hoping to finally propagate them in the hope to share some of these wonderful plants soon. An import from Japan. Excellent for dam plantings. VERY RARE.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams

Currently Not Available

Nelumbo nucifera 'Paleface'

Nelumbo nucifera 'Paleface' (Australian Native Lotus)
Large beautiful white flowers tipped and edged with deep pink. Medium green leaves. Native to Australia and Asia. A large grower that can also adapt to tub water features. This plant is free flowering once established. Excellent for dam plantings. VERY LIMITED STOCK.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams  Native to Australia

Not Available in 2024

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Code explanations:

Tolerant of cold temperate climate = Tolerant of cold temperate climate
Tolerant of tropical climate = Tolerant of tropical climate
Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate = Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate
Frost Sensitive - may not survive in climate subjected to frost = Frost Sensitive - may not survive in climate subjected to frost
Full Shade or Indirect Sunlight = Full Shade or Indirect Sunlight
Full Sun = Full Sun
Part Sun & Part Shade = Part Sun & Part Shade
Small growing - Suitable for small size water gardens or tub style water features = Small growing - Suitable for small size water gardens or tub style water features
Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens = Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens
Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams = Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams
Great as cut flowers = Great as cut flowers
Native to Australia = Native to Australia