Watergarden Paradise

Aquatic Nursery

Deep Water Aquatic Plants

These plants grow similar to water lilies with their roots submerged while producing floating or emergent leaves (for some varieties) throughout the year even when the water lilies become dormant. Should be planted in areas of depth between 10cms-30cms. Sold in forms of rhizome/rootstock. Dispatch anytime of the year unless specified.

Planting instructions is available for download here. Don't forget to include fertiliser tablets in your plantings.

All plants are supplied in BARE-ROOTED form (i.e., unpotted and free from soil media).

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Aponogeton distachyos (Water Hawthorn)

Aponogeton distachyos (Water Hawthorn)
Beautiful white orchid-like flowers. Long green strap-like leaves sometimes with brownish patterns. Prefers the cooler climate or semi-shade to flower well. A winter flowering plant except if planted in areas subject to high snow or heavy frosts. A plant with edible flowers. Not for WA. Available in limited stock only.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Part Sun & Part Shade  Small growing - Suitable for small size water gardens or tub style water features  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams

AUD $33.00 each

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Echinodorus uruguayensis

Echinodorus uruguayensis (Uruguay Sword Plant)
A very versatile plant. When grown in deep water, it will have floating oval shaped leaves. In aquariums, it will grow with long flat leaves. Flowers during late spring and summer.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Part Sun & Part Shade  Small growing - Suitable for small size water gardens or tub style water features  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams

Currently Not Available

Marsilea mutica

Marsilea mutica (Rainbow Nardoo/Water Clover)
Floating or emergent beautiful four-leaf clovers which are often patterned with striking reddish-brown colours.
Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Part Sun & Part Shade  Small growing - Suitable for small size water gardens or tub style water features  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams  Native to Australia

AUD $15.40 each

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Nuphar advena

Nuphar advena (Spatterdock Lily/Cow Lily)
Very large growing almost heart shaped green leaves both floating and emergent. Unusual large yellow marble-like flowers with red stamens. Rare.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Part Sun & Part Shade  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams

Currently Not Available

Nuphar japonica var. 'Rubrotincta'

Nuphar japonica var. 'Rubrotincta' (Japanese Red Pond Lily)
Arrow shaped reddish-brown underwater leaves and green emergent leaves. Brandy bottle-like flowers opening yellow and ageing to orange-scarlet in colour. Also used in aquariums. Very limited stock. Rare.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Part Sun & Part Shade  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams

AUD $132.00 each

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Nuphar lutea ssp. 'Pumila'

Nuphar lutea ssp. 'Pumila' (Dwarf Spatterdock Lily/Nuphar pumila/Nuphar minima)
Arrow shaped green leaves usually floating but sometimes emergent. Yellow brandy bottle-like flowers. A dwarf form of the species Nuphar lutea. Sometimes used in aquariums. Rare. Very few only.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Part Sun & Part Shade  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams

Currently Not Available

Nymphoides crenata (Inland NSW)

Nymphoides crenata - Inland NSW (Crenated Water Fringe (Inland NSW)/Wavy Marshwort)
A variation or form of the species Nymphoides crenata that is found in inland northern New South Wales near Queensland border. Probably the largest form discovered. Large green waterlily-like leaves with toothed edges can reach up to approximately 20cms in diameter if given room. The leaves has a distinctive thick succulent texture and maroon fan-like pattern at the leaf centre. Leaf underside bright reddish in colour. Small golden yellow fringed flowers during the warmer months. Limited stock.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Part Sun & Part Shade  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams  Native to Australia

AUD $22.00 each

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Nymphoides crenata (Northern NSW)

Nymphoides crenata - Northern NSW (Crenated Water Fringe (Northern NSW)/Wavy Marshwort)
A variation or form of the species Nymphoides crenata that is found in northern New South Wales. Slightly bronzed-green waterlily-like leaves with scalloped edges and a few purplish-brown speckles. Tiny yellow fringed flowers during the warmer months. Similar to the Victorian form, but the leaf sinus is open "V". May be cold sensitive, hence not suitable for areas cooler than the temperate regions.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Part Sun & Part Shade  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams  Native to Australia

Currently Not Available

Nymphoides crenata (QLD)

Nymphoides crenata - QLD (Crenated Water Fringe (QLD)/Wavy Marshwort)
A variation or form of the species Nymphoides crenata that is found in subtropical Queensland. Waterlily-like leaves with scalloped leaf edges and a few purplish-brown speckles. The outer edges of the leaves tend to be bronzed-brown as well as the leaf centre. Leaf lobes tend to overlap, especially on younger or new leaves. Tiny yellow fringed flowers during the warmer months. Quite a nice form. May be cold sensitive, hence not suitable for areas cooler than the temperate regions.
Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Part Sun & Part Shade  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams  Native to Australia

Currently Not Available

Nymphoides crenata (Variegated Form)
Nymphoides crenata (Variegated Form)

Nymphoides crenata - Variegated Form (Crenated Water Fringe - Variegated Form)
Green waterlily-like leaves with distinctive toothed edges. Brownish-maroon marbling patterns over green leaves. Tiny deep yellow fringed flowers during the warmer months. Often mistaken for the form called "Purple-Mosaic", but this one does not have the same amount of purple colouring on the leaves. Sometimes sold as the "Nymphoides variegata".
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Part Sun & Part Shade  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams  Native to Australia

Currently Not Available

Nymphoides crenata (Victoria)

Nymphoides crenata - Victoria (Crenated Water Fringe (Victoria)/Wavy Marshwort)
A variation or form of the species Nymphoides crenata that is found in Victoria. Deep green waterlily-like leaves with heavily crenated/scalloped edges and a few purplish-brown speckles. Yellow fringed flowers to the size of a 20cent coin (Australin currency). Similar to the northern NSW form, but the leaf lobes overlap at sinus. Quite cold tolerant.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Part Sun & Part Shade  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams  Native to Australia

Currently Not Available

Nymphoides crenata 'Purple Mosaic'

Nymphoides crenata 'Purple Mosaic' (Mosaic Water Fringe/Mosaic Marshwort)
A very beautiful form of the species Nymphoides crenata. Attractive deep green leaves heavily marbled with deep purple patterns. Tiny yellow fringed flowers. This is the true Purple Mosaic, where there is very little in green colour. Unfortunately, most of the plants sold under this name within Australia is actually the variegated form of the species and not Purple Mosaic. Rare.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Part Sun & Part Shade  Small growing - Suitable for small size water gardens or tub style water features  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams  Native to Australia

Currently Not Available

Nymphoides cristata

Nymphoides cristata (Crested Floating Heart/Crested Water Fringe)
Small circular green leaves edged with reddish-brown. The leaves has rounded lobe. Tiny white flowers. A very small growing Nymphoides sp. that would suit the smaller pond or tub. Uncommon.
Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Frost Sensitive - may not survive in climate subjected to frost  Full Shade or Indirect Sunlight  Part Sun & Part Shade  Small growing - Suitable for small size water gardens or tub style water features  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams

Currently Not Available

Nymphoides indica
Nymphoides indica

Nymphoides indica (Water Snowflake/Snowflake Lily/White Water Fringe)
Green waterlily-like leaves initially patterned with purplish-brown. Tiny white fringed flowers bourne by the leaf stem. Can sometimes be cold sensitive. Also used in aquariums as a substitute for Nymphoides aquatica.
Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Frost Sensitive - may not survive in climate subjected to frost  Full Sun  Part Sun & Part Shade  Small growing - Suitable for small size water gardens or tub style water features  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams  Native to Australia

Currently Not Available

Nymphoides montana
Nymphoides montana

Nymphoides montana (High-country Marshwort/Water Fringe)
Round bronzed-greenish waterlily-like leaves. Tiny yellow flowers emerging by the leaf stem underneath the leaf during the warmer months. This particular species tends to be much more cold tolerant than others under this genus. In temperate region, this plant tends to stay active (producing leaves) overwinter.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Part Sun & Part Shade  Small growing - Suitable for small size water gardens or tub style water features  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams  Native to Australia

AUD $16.50 each

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Nymphoides spinulosperma
Nymphoides spinulosperma

Nymphoides spinulosperma (Marbled Marshwort/Marbled Water Fringe)
Largest flowering species from the genus Nymphoides. Golden yellow flowers that can reach up to the size of a 20c coin. Green waterlily-like leaves with reddish-brown marbled patterns trailing around the edges. Limited stock.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Part Sun & Part Shade  Small growing - Suitable for small size water gardens or tub style water features  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams  Native to Australia

Currently Not Available

Orontium aquaticum

Orontium aquaticum (Golden Club)
Green velvet textured lanceolate leaves. Yellow and white pencil-like flower spikes produced during the warmer months.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Shade or Indirect Sunlight  Full Sun  Part Sun & Part Shade  Small growing - Suitable for small size water gardens or tub style water features  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams

Currently Not Available

Sagittaria subulata var. subulata

Sagittaria subulata var. subulata (Awl-Leaf Arrowhead/Dwarf Sagittaria)
Considered as the dwarf form of the species Sagittaria subulata. Beautiful tiny three-petalled white flowers during summer. Long green emergent leaves during the warmer months that is occasionally splashed with brown patterns and underwater grass-like leaves at other times. Formerly known as "Sagittaria natans". Often used in aquariums where it will form leaves that resembles those of the Vallisneria plants.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Part Sun & Part Shade  Small growing - Suitable for small size water gardens or tub style water features  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams

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AUD $12.32 each
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40% off for 5

AUD $46.20 for 5 bunches
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Original price:
$15.40 each

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Code explanations:

Tolerant of cold temperate climate = Tolerant of cold temperate climate
Tolerant of tropical climate = Tolerant of tropical climate
Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate = Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate
Frost Sensitive - may not survive in climate subjected to frost = Frost Sensitive - may not survive in climate subjected to frost
Full Shade or Indirect Sunlight = Full Shade or Indirect Sunlight
Full Sun = Full Sun
Part Sun & Part Shade = Part Sun & Part Shade
Small growing - Suitable for small size water gardens or tub style water features = Small growing - Suitable for small size water gardens or tub style water features
Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens = Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens
Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams = Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams
Great as cut flowers = Great as cut flowers
Native to Australia = Native to Australia