Watergarden Paradise

Aquatic Nursery

Water & Moisture Loving Irises

Iris 'Splitter Splatter' (Louisiana Iris)

Iris 'Splitter Splatter' (Louisiana Iris)

These irises requires either moist but well-drained (Iris sibirica) or wet and waterlogged soil. Species and hybrids includes those coming from Iris brevicaulis, Iris ensata, Iris fulva, Iris laevigata, Iris nelsonii, Iris pseudacorus, Iris setosa, Iris sibirica, Iris tridentata, Iris versicolor and Iris virginica Can be grown in part-shade and full sun location. Should given some fertiliser tablets during their growing months late in winter to encourage flowering in spring and summer. Sold in the form of barerooted rhizomes.

Planting instructions is available for download here. Don't forget to include fertiliser tablets in your plantings.

Iris ensata

Iris laevigata

Iris pseudacorus

Iris sibirica

Iris versicolor

Iris virginica

Louisiana Iris

Other Iris Species

Budget Priced Water Irises

These water irises come in a mix of species and colours (blue, purple, white, pink, red, yellow & copper). They are at a special price for the budget conscious buyer.

Planting instructions is available for download here. Don't forget to include fertiliser tablets in your plantings.

All plants are supplied in BARE-ROOTED form (i.e., unpotted and free from soil media).

Iris ensata - Assorted 10 plants pack

Iris ensata/pseudata - Assorted 10 Plants Pack (Japanese Iris (Assorted))
Bargain Buy! 10 plants pack - all plants are named varieties selected by us (based on excess stock quantities) at the time of packing. Excellent for landscaping if the buyer is not concerned with the variety or colour that they are provided with. Image displayed as a guide only. Not for WA, Tasmania and NT. While stocks last. Sold in the form of rhizomes of variable sizes.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Part Sun & Part Shade  Small growing - Suitable for small size water gardens or tub style water features  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams

Currently Not Available

Pot Luck Water Irises

Iris spp. ('Pot Luck' Water Iris)
Colour unknown. These were originally named cultivars, but unfortunately the labels have been lost, so we are selling them at a greatly reduced price. Excellent for budget landscaping or large dam plantings if the buyer is not concerned with flower colours. Photo displayed as a guide only. Not for WA, Tasmania and NT. Sold in the form of rhizomes of variable sizes. While stocks last.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams  Great as cut flowers

On Sale

AUD $9.90 each

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Code explanations:

Tolerant of cold temperate climate = Tolerant of cold temperate climate
Tolerant of tropical climate = Tolerant of tropical climate
Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate = Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate
Frost Sensitive - may not survive in climate subjected to frost = Frost Sensitive - may not survive in climate subjected to frost
Full Shade or Indirect Sunlight = Full Shade or Indirect Sunlight
Full Sun = Full Sun
Part Sun & Part Shade = Part Sun & Part Shade
Small growing - Suitable for small size water gardens or tub style water features = Small growing - Suitable for small size water gardens or tub style water features
Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens = Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens
Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams = Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams
Great as cut flowers = Great as cut flowers
Native to Australia = Native to Australia